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Adam Zayne Whitener

Adam Zayne Whitener lives in Louisville Kentucky with his daughter, their rescue cat, a loveable pit bull, and a toy poodle. He's been writing stories since the age of seven, and has dreamed of being an author since he was twelve. In high school, he played clarinet in marching band, was a member of the French, club, and winter guard. When he isn't writing or reading, he loves to travel and explore new places--especially caves. WEREWOLVES OF BRISTOL MANOR is his first novel.

Allison Chernutan

ALLISON CHERNUTAN hopes to be a New York Times bestselling author of young adult fiction one day, but for now, she’s just trying to get all of the stories out of her head and onto paper. She currently lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, and works as a graphic designer. When her characters aren’t yelling at her to write more of these darn book things already, Allison can most often be found traveling to the next new roller coaster on her list, running a coaster club YouTube channel, or jamming out in the front row at a concert. Pyrokinetic is her debut novel.

Amber Hanophy

Amber Hanophy is a long-time fantasy lover, cornering teachers and friends into reading her stories once she was old enough to hold a pen. Since then, she's (hopefully) improved her writing abilities while collecting creative degrees and relentlessly studying folklore.

When she isn't obsessing over villains or watching old vampire movies, Amber works with middle school students near her hometown in Western New York, where she lives with her poorly behaved pug. Bloodjewels is her debut novel. You can follow Amber on her social media for updates @amberhanophy.

Anna Kirchner

Anna Kirchner grew up in Poland and lived in a number of countries before settling in Sweden. She spends more time in imaginary worlds than in the real one. She grew up on a mixture of Polish legends and original Grimm fairy tales, which she channels into fiction. She’s also a dog lover. She is easiest to find on her Instagram, where she talks about books and goes into queer-feminist rants.

C.P. Du Toit

C.P. Du Toit was raised in Northern California but spent six years as an expatriate in Scotland, South Africa, and Australia. She currently lives in Philadelphia with her husband and their two black cats. A born storyteller, she has been writing poetry and short stories since she was a child. A Certain Slant of Light is her debut novel.

Claire Olivia Golden

Claire Olivia Golden likes books, yarn, and the Oxford
comma. She graduated summa cum laude from
Portland State University with a B.A. in French and
English and is now a full-time author, crochet designer,
and housewife. She writes diverse, genre-bending
stories and poetry. Claire lives in the Pacific Northwest
USA with her husband and her emotional support cat

Cliff Jones Jr.

Cliff Jones Jr. is a rising star in the world of dreampunk/irrealist literature, though he has quite a ways yet to rise. In both his writing career and his day job as a software developer, he leans heavily on his background in linguistics and years of teaching experience. Neurodivergence has been a major theme of Cliff’s life: growing up with a profoundly autistic brother, helping to raise a daughter on the spectrum, and of course, navigating his own atypical neurochemistry. This may be why he places such a high value on internal worlds and alternative modes of experience. Find him online at Say hello! He’s actually quite friendly.

Cormac Lin

CORMAC LIN was born in Taiwan to a Taiwanese mother and American father. He was educated and raised outside of Seattle, Washington. He graduated from Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, with an emphasis in Political Science. Cormac focuses his life today working with education, social issues, and animal rescue.

L. R. Powell

L. R. Powell is a Texas-native who’s obsessed with fantasy and romance books and drinks entirely too much coffee. She lives with her family in the Houston area and works in education. When she isn’t reading, writing, or working, you can find her chasing around her two small humans or catching up on her favorite anime or Star Wars shows with her husband.

Lorne Dixon

Lorne Dixon lives and writes off an exit of Interstate 78 in residential New Jersey. He grew up on yellow-spined paperbacks, black-and-white monster movies, and the thunder-lizard backbeat of Rock 'N Roll. He believes lawn darts should be legalized, Barbara Steele's portrait should be on our money, and William Hope Hodgson's The House on the Borderland should replace Ethan Frome in high school literature classes.

Matt Doyle

MATT DOYLE is a pansexual/genderfluid author from the UK who primarily writes hybrid genre fiction with a sci-fi grounding and diverse characters. In recent years, Matt’s work has included the award-winning LGBTQ sci-fi mystery series, THE CASSIE TAM FILES, and several anthology appearances. AILUROS is Matt’s first adventure in experimental fiction.

When not working on yet another story, Matt can usually be found juggling freelance scriptwriting with running the pop culture website ‘Matt Doyle Media’, building cosplay, and programming video games.

Michael Maguire

MICHAEL MAGUIRE developed a thirst for both travel and story-telling from a very early age, like most Irish people. Born in County Down, Ireland, he set-off to explore the world, living in both Europe and the USA before finally settling in Sydney, Australia in 2004.

When he isn’t writing stories about giants and demons he can be found lifting heavy things, watching boxing/MMA or spending time with his beautiful wife and baby daughter.

Nathan Milner

Nathan Milner has pursued writing for decades across a range of professions and platforms, working as a journalist, copywriter and marketing specialist. Nathan has developed role-playing-game materials for Steve Jackson Games and Bards & Sages Publishing. And in recent years, he has written the middle-grade novels EXTINCTION STINKS! and A CLEARING OF CRYPTIDS.

Nathan lives in Northeastern Pennsylvania with his wife and two daughters.

R. Lee Fryar

R. Lee Fryar is a writer from the Arkansas River Valley. When she isn’t writing, she can generally be found up a mountain, out on a river, or in the woods somewhere. She writes adult fantasy and paranormal romance.

R. Tim Morris

R. Tim Morris has previously published four novels (Molt, The Inevitable Fall of Tommy Mueller, This Never Happened, and To Be Honest), as well as having edited and published a collection of short stories in 2020 (More Time: A Brief Anthology of Indie Author Short Fiction). All five books were published under his own imprint, Empire Stamp. Morris has had other works of short fiction published with Owl Canyon Press, Cardigan Press, and Sans Press. The Lost Memories of Oceans is his fifth novel.
He lives in Vancouver, Canada with his wife and two children.

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